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Nickname: Who gives a God a nickname?

Age: Immortal (AKA no one knows.)

Birthday: No one knows this either

Likes: Protecting the Kitsune race and looking after them, getting revenge on Kyubi and the Lady

Dislikes: Kyubi, The Lady, snotty Kitsune, being stuck in a mortal’s body

Family: None

Strengths: Most powerful Kitsune, keeps calm in tough situations

Faults: When she becomes enraged she tends to hurt others, non-forgiving, quick to make important decisions

Species: Myobu Kitsune

Looks: 9-tailed pure white fox with light blue tail tips and streaks over each eye, dark blue eyes (often appearing soulless with no pupil), one gold earring on each ear, she can usually be seem wearing several layers of red silk robes.

Birthplace: ???

Clan: ???

Residence: Her Temple in the very center of the Kitsune Realm

First Appearance: Appeared in a flashback/information section in Chapter 1, page 4, officially met in Chapter 2, page 20 (This could be debatable since it is ‘technically Kyubi... she just happens to look like Inari.)


Personality: As far as the three power Kitsunes go, (The two others being The Lady and Kyubi) Inari is the nicest and the most forgiving. She is very powerful though and is not afraid to demonstrate them to rule breaking Myobu.

Bio: Before Kyubi came, Inari just ruled the Myobu from her Temple. Her biggest mistake was convicting Kyubi for committing a terrible crime. Kyubi, also being very powerful herself, then drove her spirit out of her body and sealed it into a human. (Mirru). So currently, her body is being used as a disguise for Kyubi and she is powerless inside Mirru. For the most part, her spirit is dormant, only awakening inside Mirru when she becomes enraged. At these points, her anger usually vents towards Mirru, almost like a normal Kitsune possession is taking place.

Fun Facts: In ancient Japan, mortals once also worshiped Inari as the God of Rice and Fertility. (They don’t anymore... well some might.)

Author’s Notes: First, I am fully aware that I’m calling Inari a God instead of a Goddess, (She is female after all) Inari was always referred to as a “God” in Japanese mythology as far as I know and Inari true gender is unknown I believe. I’m portraying her as female since most Kitsune in Japanese mythology are female. Also, use this Bio to become familiar with the true Inari. The “Inari” Ryu and the others interact with in the story is kinda really Kyubi... that’s why she has that red glow in her eyes... Kyubi’s basically possessing her. But Kyubi aside, Inari is my favorite God Kitsune out of the three. (Well, Kyubi’s not really a God... but she is powerful.


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