Kitsune Jewel

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"Kitsune Jewel"
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KJ Poll
Kitsune Jewel Contest?
YES! I would so enter it!
I guess so.... could be fun
Nah... not yet....
Are you kidding? No one would enter it.... dumb idea...

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of KJ doodles on my
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February, 18 2008

Hey all, big news! Kitsune Jewel is moving from Comicgenesis. I was able to get hosting for the website, yay! The link is  so be sur to update your bookmarks. But for the first month, I will also be updating the pages on Comic gen as well, until about early March. But after that, everything will be through the new site! See you there!
FEB Mar 2008
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Kitsune Jewel and all website content is copyright (c) 2007 Emily Maute. Please do not use anything without permission

Kitsune Jewel is hosted on Comic Genesis a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.